Tentative de connexion...
Échec de la connexion.
Erreur : pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 3253?
Fin du script.

Informations de configuration :

Version PHP : 8.1.29
Extensions PHP chargées :
    [0] => Core
    [1] => date
    [2] => libxml
    [3] => openssl
    [4] => pcre
    [5] => sqlite3
    [6] => zlib
    [7] => bz2
    [8] => calendar
    [9] => ctype
    [10] => curl
    [11] => hash
    [12] => filter
    [13] => ftp
    [14] => gettext
    [15] => json
    [16] => iconv
    [17] => SPL
    [18] => pcntl
    [19] => readline
    [20] => Reflection
    [21] => session
    [22] => standard
    [23] => mbstring
    [24] => shmop
    [25] => SimpleXML
    [26] => tokenizer
    [27] => xml
    [28] => litespeed
    [29] => apcu
    [30] => bcmath
    [31] => dba
    [32] => dom
    [33] => enchant
    [34] => fileinfo
    [35] => gd
    [36] => igbinary
    [37] => imagick
    [38] => imap
    [39] => intl
    [40] => ldap
    [41] => exif
    [42] => mcrypt
    [43] => memcache
    [44] => memcached
    [45] => msgpack
    [46] => mysqlnd
    [47] => mysqli
    [48] => PDO
    [49] => pdo_mysql
    [50] => odbc
    [51] => PDO_ODBC
    [52] => pdo_pgsql
    [53] => pdo_sqlite
    [54] => pgsql
    [55] => Phar
    [56] => posix
    [57] => pspell
    [58] => redis
    [59] => snmp
    [60] => soap
    [61] => sockets
    [62] => sysvmsg
    [63] => sysvsem
    [64] => sysvshm
    [65] => tidy
    [66] => xmlreader
    [67] => xmlrpc
    [68] => xmlwriter
    [69] => xsl
    [70] => zip
    [71] => ionCube Loader
    [72] => SourceGuardian

Configuration PostgreSQL :

Deprecated: pg_version(): Automatic fetching of PostgreSQL connection is deprecated in /home/hhvfzujp/public_html/db_diagnostic.php on line 60

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: No PostgreSQL connection opened yet in /home/hhvfzujp/public_html/db_diagnostic.php:60 Stack trace: #0 /home/hhvfzujp/public_html/db_diagnostic.php(60): pg_version() #1 {main} thrown in /home/hhvfzujp/public_html/db_diagnostic.php on line 60